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Now? Later!


Someone once asked, “what’s the one thing that’s MOST responsible for you not reaching your goals?” 

My simple answer: Me. 

I have the passion. I have the talent. I am creative, driven, and focused. I am a writer, with a million stories to tell. Yet every day, I struggle under the weight of my own pen. Why?

A (not-so) wise man once said, “Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?” (probably not a real quote, but… let’s keep going).  A motto that I have unintentionally learned to live by, as an habitual procrastinator. My passion says, write. My fear of failure says, wait. My drive says, now. My lack of effort says, later. My heart says, persevere. My mind says, doubt

Each day is a full-out, grind-out battle between the things you CAN do, and the things you WILL do. The task is ours to win the battle!

The task is ours to win the battle. To fight for the desires of our heart (which God gave to us for a reason)! This week, I will begin a daily writing schedule. Between wedding planning, grad school, raising two daughters and working my full-time job – I will write. 

I will write.

Now, and later. 

Reader Challenge: What is the one thing that’s MOST responsible for you not reaching your goals? Share your ideas for breaking the pattern!

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